Manawatu Property Investors' Association

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Archive: April 2014

MPIA Meeting April 2014

Jason Driscole – Chartered Accountant, Morrison Creed Advisory Limited, Manawatu Business Award Winner. With a new financial year ahead it is important that you know what expenses are deductible for your rental properties and how best to maintain accurate accounting records. Jason will also outline the various structures with you and generate thinking on Capital V’s Revenue situations and show us some cloud based property apps. The meeting will ideally suit the newer investor but plenty to learn for the more seasoned investor. The meeting will provide opportunity to ask plenty of questions. VISITORS AND GENERAL PUBLIC WELCOME: $20.00 entry door charge. Membership: $175 for new memberships (single or couple), annual renewal $150. Membership includes subscription to the NZ Property Investor. For more information phone Pauline Beissel 0274719192.
02-04-2014 more >>

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