Manawatu Property Investors' Association

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MPIA Andrew King

Monthly Meeting

3rd August 2022


Guest Speaker

Andrew King

NZPIF President

Andrew has been a prominent participant in the rental property industry since he established the Residential Property Investor Magazine in 1996. A member of the Auckland Property Investors Association since 1996, elected to the APIA committee in 1997 becoming President in 2000 until 2007. He has been on the NZPIF Executive since 2005, He holds the President’s position. Investing and self managing property since 1986, author of two best selling books on investment property, Andrew has been a frequent speaker and commentator on Property Investment matters for over 25 years.

Andrew wants to see the NZPIF become more involved in helping PIA members manage their own rental properties. To this end he’s developed the online Tenancy Agreement and the loan deductibility calculator and manages the online market rents resource.

Andrew has a lot of information. You will want to hear him present.

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For a limited time, NZPIF have secured Free Premium Trade Me Property Advertisements and 6 Free Months of Keyhook for current members, as well as Premium Investor Discounts for members with 5+ properties. Visit for more information.

Wednesday 3rd August at 7.30pm
Doors open from 7pm

Palmerston North Bridge Club
Corner Cook and Cuba Streets, Palmerston North

MPIA and other PIA Members Free.
Visitors welcome - $20 each at the door.

For more information contact:
The President Pauline Beissel 0274719192

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