Manawatu Property Investors' Association

027 471 9192

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MPIA - NZPIF Executive

Monthly Meeting

7th July 2021


Guest Speakers - NZPIF EXECUTIVE

Andrew King

Amanda Watt

Sue Harrison

Peter Lewis


Gordon Lambeth

Kerry Beveridge

Sharon Cullwick

Pauline Beissel


Come along and meet some our Executive Board Members

Andrew King, Amanda Watt, Sue Harrison, Gordon Lambeth, Kerry Beveridge,
Pauline Beissel, and Sharon Cullwick our Executive Officer.

The board have been extremely busy this year. This is your opportunity to listen to the work that is being done on members behalf and will explain the Government’s proposed changes to removing loan interest deductions and the effect it will have.

An update on Healthy homes and our new Tenancy application document.


Wednesday 7th July 7.30pm start

Palmerston North Bridge Club
Corner Cook and Cuba Streets, Palmerston North

Doors open from 7pm, supper provided.

MPIA and other PIA Members Free.
Visitors welcome - $20 each at the door.

For more information contact the President: Pauline Beissel (0274719192)

  Printable flyer (187 kB)

