On Monday the 4th April 2016 the new Health & Safety at work Act 2015 came into effect. It repealed the Health & Safety in employment Act of 1992 with immediate effect.
This new law sets out the principles, duties, and rights in relation to workplace health and safety. It is a new way of thinking and is changing attitude to Health and Safety in NZ, it is a new responsibility under the law.
When in business there are duties and responsibilities to ensure that the workplace is without risk to the Health & Safety of any person.
Come along to hear Sarah explain how this affects our property investing businesses and our responsibilities.
This meeting will be at the new venue that we have voted at the AGM to trial for 3 months. This will NOT be at the Bridge Club
Wednesday 1st March
Doors open from 7pm, supper provided.
MPIA and other PIA Members Free.
Visitors welcome - $20 each at the door.
For more information contact the President
Pauline Beissel (0274719192)
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