?> Events :: Manawatu Property Investors' Association

Manawatu Property Investors' Association

027 471 9192


Up coming Events

Keeping you updated with up and coming events

Manawatu Property Investors' Association

  • Future Monthly MPIA Meetings
    Meetings are held at 7:30pm on the first Wednesday of every month (except Dec and Jan) at the Palmerston North Bridge Club on the corner Cook and Cuba Streets.
  • Special MPIA Events
    Other activities and events run by the MPIA will apear in future events
  • Annual NZPIF Conference
    2023 NZPIF Conference
    Rydges Lakeland Resort, Queenstown

    The annual Conference of the NZPIF will be held on 27 - 29 October 2023 For full details go to the Conference website http://www.propertyconference.org.nz/
  • Past Monthly MPIA Meetings
    Archived records of past monthly meetings. http://manawatu.nzpif.org.nz/events/past/

Past Events by Year:

MPIA Christmas Dinner 2015
Future Monthly MPIA Meetings

The annual MPIA Christmas Dinner is a fantastic opportunity to celebrate the silly season with your property investor friends and colleagues. Booking details can be found on the flyer on our website. Numbers are limited so to avoid disappointment please make your reservation early!
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MPIA Meeting November 2015
Future Monthly MPIA Meetings

The Block NZ Contestants, Jo and Damo Neal are our VIP guest speakers for our final meeting of 2015. The TV stars will share their TV experiences, DIY advice including painting tips, interior design, and tips and tricks allowing time for questions and answers. Don't miss the opportunity to hear from these quality speakers! Please note the earlier start time of 7:00pm.
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MPIA Meeting October 2015
Future Monthly MPIA Meetings

Dr Bob Stewart started his most extensive period of property investing after he turned 60, and points out that age shouldn't be a barrier to achieving financial security via residential investment. Bob is a past president of the MPIA and brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to the investment table. Don't miss the chance to hear from one of our own very successful investors.
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MPIA Meeting September 2015
Future Monthly MPIA Meetings
02/09/15 - 7:30pm

Selwyn Mexted will be speaking on investing in the current market, where he sees the property market going, and his strategy plan that he will explain that has proved successful.
Don’t miss this great opportunity to hear from a man passionate about property investment!!!
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MPIA Meeting August 2015
Future Monthly MPIA Meetings
05/08/15 - 7:30pm

Ian McKelvie is the Rangitikei Member of Parliament, and owns a significant property portfolio including farm land and commercial property throughout the lower North Island. He has particular interests in sustainable agriculture and sustainable economic development for rural communities. As MP for Rangitikei he represents many people throughout our region and is also a successful investor in his own right. Don't miss our August speaker!
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MPIA Meeting July 2015
Future Monthly MPIA Meetings
01/07/15 - 7:30pm

Our July guest speaker is well known property developer Brian Green. Don't miss the opportunity to hear from a quality speaker who is heavily involved in both commercial and residential property throughout Palmerston North and New Zealand! Meeting sponsored by Kiwi Mortgage Market Manawatu Limited.
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MPIA Meeting June 2015
Future Monthly MPIA Meetings
03/06/15 - 7:30pm

Our special guest for the June 2015 meeting is Harry Lawson, founder of the Auckland and Southland Property Investors Associations, and co-founder of the Hawkes Bay Property Investors Association. He has been a professional landlord for over 40 years and is the inspiration behind the 'Harry Lawson Cup' which the Manawatu Association recently won! Do not miss this meeting!!!
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MPIA Meeting May 2015
Future Monthly MPIA Meetings
06/05/15 - 7:00pm

Special VIP Guest Speaker Graeme Fowler is one of New Zealand's better known investors and educators. The author of the NZ bestseller "NZ Real Estate Investors' Secrets" will be here to share those very secrets with us. Please note the earlier start time of 7pm, and the $25 door charge for non-members. This is a meeting not to miss!
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MPIA Meeting April 2015
Future Monthly MPIA Meetings
01/04/15 - 7:30pm

Cliff and Roseann have been investing in property since 1973. Come along and hear about the wealth of experience they have gained since then! Meeting sponsored by John Leader Electrical Ltd.
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MPIA Meeting March 2015
Future Monthly MPIA Meetings
04/03/15 - 7:30pm

Colin Fink has over 40 years of experience in surveying, urban and rural subdivision, roading and earthworks design. His background includes 14 years at our own PNCC and four years in Antarctica from 1978, which included work at the DC-10 crash site. A must see speaker for anyone considering subdivision as part of their next property venture!
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MPIA Meeting February 2015
Future Monthly MPIA Meetings

Welcome to our first meeting for 2015. Tonight we will hold our AGM, and also present an opportunity to meet the Mayoral candidates. Come along and decide who you think should be Mayor of our city. The Mayoral By-Election voting closes at noon on Tuesday 10th February.
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Results: 1-11 of 11